The Spirals We Are In By Fei Dong

In a culmination of creativity and experience, Ottawa StoryTellers’s Mentorship Program (Youth & Children Stream) presents a showcase event, The Spirals We Are In, live-streamed from the Origin Arts & Community Centre on March 3rd, 2022.

Storytelling, a personal perspective displayed in a public performance, can strengthen a community through celebrating a myriad of diverse voices. Ottawa StoryTeller’s Mentorship Program promotes this craft annually through selecting three mentees to work under the guidance of professional storytellers. In this program, mentees will serve their community and develop their own voice through hosting workshops, crafting new storytelling pieces, and performing their works at various showcases and festivals.

One of this year’s mentors, Jacqui Du Toit, is an award-winning storyteller who hails from Kimberley, South Africa, whose performances have taken her across Canada and around the world. She serves on the Board of Directors at GCTC, Ottawa StoryTellers, and Tactics Indie Theatre Series, is a founder and director of 8th Generation Storytelling Company, and is the co-owner and creative director of The Origin Arts and Community Centre. Through these roles, Jacqui has dedicated herself to the craft of storytelling, both within the Ottawa community and beyond.

Jacqui’s mentee, Erica O’Reilly, has a long history of education in and love for the arts, public performances, and community building. As an arts educator with desire to connect deeply with people, Erica found the chance to work with Jacqui in the Ottawa StoryTellers’ Mentorship Program to be a gift. Through this 6 months program, Erica got to reunite her with her artistic roots as she honed her skills in storytelling and teaching.

In The Spiral We Are In, Jacqui and Erica blended their unique perspectives and talents together for a night of storytelling performances.