Ottawa StoryTellers is an incorporated not-for-profit organization founded in 1983.
As a member you:
promote the art of storytelling in our community
nurture and inspire both beginning and experienced storytellers
provide tellers and listeners of all ages with opportunities to come together to share and enjoy stories
Become a member and enjoy the benefits of membership
Benefits for tellers and non-tellers:
Receive OST's specialized member's monthly bulletins from the Managing Artistic Director
Take advantage of reduced rates on workshops
Influence the direction of the organization: vote and hold office
Join discussion groups on storytelling topics
Additional benefits for non-tellers:
Become part of the Ottawa storytelling and arts communities
Take advantage of opportunities to develop and use creative skills
Discover opportunities to develop and use leadership skills
Attend social events
Additional benefits for tellers:
Professional development, including workshops with a community of peers
Insurance coverage for performances
Access to skill-development groups
Telling groups
Writing groups
Opportunities to tell
Story Café
Storytelling Open Mic
Signature Series
Additional ad hoc opportunities
Feedback, if desired, at events
Your annual Ottawa StoryTellers membership costs just $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.
To join, you can purchase your membership in a number of ways:
PayPal: Click the “Buy Now” button above
Interac e-transfer: Send an e-transfer to No security password is required. Fill in the membership form (found below) and email a copy to
Cheque: Print the membership form (found below), complete it, and bring it with a cheque payable to Ottawa StoryTellers, to one of our events or mail it to us at:
Ottawa StoryTellers
PO Box 23022
If you have questions about membership, please email or phone (613) 322-8336