Ottawa StoryTellers is an incorporated not-for-profit organization founded in 1983.

As a member you:

  • promote the art of storytelling in our community

  • nurture and inspire both beginning and experienced storytellers

  • provide tellers and listeners of all ages with opportunities to come together to share and enjoy stories

Become a member and enjoy the benefits of membership


Benefits for tellers and non-tellers:

  • Receive OST's specialized member's monthly bulletins from the Managing Artistic Director

  • Take advantage of reduced rates on workshops

  • Influence the direction of the organization: vote and hold office

  • Join discussion groups on storytelling topics

Additional benefits for non-tellers:

  • Become part of the Ottawa storytelling and arts communities

  • Take advantage of opportunities to develop and use creative skills

  • Discover opportunities to develop and use leadership skills

  • Attend social events

Additional benefits for tellers:

  • Professional development, including workshops with a community of peers

  • Insurance coverage for performances

  • Access to skill-development groups

    • Telling groups

    • Writing groups

  • Opportunities to tell

    • Story Café

    • Storytelling Open Mic

    • (un)told

    • Signature Series

    • Additional ad hoc opportunities

  • Feedback, if desired, at events

Your annual Ottawa StoryTellers membership costs just $20 for an individual or $30 for a family.

To join, you can purchase your membership in a number of ways:

PayPal: Click the “Buy Now” button above

Interac e-transfer: Send an e-transfer to No security password is required. Fill in the membership form (found below) and email a copy to

Cheque: Print the membership form (found below), complete it, and bring it with a cheque payable to Ottawa StoryTellers, to one of our events or mail it to us at:

Ottawa StoryTellers
PO Box 23022

If you have questions about membership, please email or phone (613) 322-8336