From trouble with chasing bears to finding a skunk in the oven, these entertaining stories demonstrate what it means to be a Maritimer and what makes the East Coast a place where stories are born but never die. Stories from Indigenous, English, Acadian, Irish, Scottish, and many other more recent groups have melded over time to create a tradition of storytelling that has a uniquely “down east” feeling. Enjoy a medley of humorous tales passed down in the kitchen parties of small villages, fishing and hunting camps, and campfires throughout the region.
$18 Students/Seniors, $22 Regular
Tickets available at online (Eventbrite), or at the door.
Presented as a part of the 2018/19 Ottawa StoryTellers Signature Series.
Rob Cloney is a Maritimer who was born into a family with a strong tradition of storytelling, and has been writing and telling stories to audiences for over 30 years. Since first performing as an actor and storyteller at King's Landing Historical Village, Rob has presented traditional and original tales in schools, libraries, story swaps and public performances, as well as song and story circles in a variety of venues. He has shared stories in Canada, the US and Brazil, and frequently tells stories for events at Viva Vida Art Gallery in Pointe Claire Village. He is an active member of the Montreal Storytellers Guild, and can often be found sharing stories at events in the greater Montreal area.