Learn more about the art of Oral Storytelling
Part of Ottawa StoryTellers’ vision is to nurture and inspire both beginning and experienced storytellers. The Children’s Storytelling Mentorship Program is a paid opportunity for emerging storytellers to develop their skills with a focus on telling to and with children and youth.
Over a 6 month period you will meet regularly with your mentor to:
Identify your goals
Learn tools and techniques to achieve your goals
Gain feedback on your story skills
Discuss the role of Storytelling in your artistic and working life
Learn about the traditions of oral Storytelling
Learn about the Storytelling industry
Document your journey and reflect on your growth
Prepare a final performance and share the stage with your mentor
Assist experienced leaders and tellers in facilitating Youth and Children Storytelling Workshops
Enrich your life and your community by developing your skills as a Storyteller. For more information email youthandchildren@ottawastorytellers.ca