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30th Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival | 30e Festival du conte pour enfants d’Ottawa

30th Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival | 30e Festival du conte pour enfants d’Ottawa

Heroes edition | édition des héros

Takes place at Ben Franklin Place (101 Centrepointe Drive) – look for the storytelling in the Chamber!

All types of heroes can be found at the 30th Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival! Get ready for a festival filled with imagination, excitement, and heroic tales.

During this free event, storytellers will tell engaging stories about heroes for children of all ages in English and French. Hear thrilling tales of superheroes, legends, and everyday champions from professional storytellers.

10:30 am: Claude Garneau and Mila Bercier (French stories for ages 2 to 5)
11:00 am: Janet LeRoy (English stories for ages 2 to 5)
11:30 am: Sylvi Belleau (French stories for ages 6 to 12)
12:00 pm: Jacqui Du Toit (English stories for ages 6 to 12)
12:30 pm: Daniel Hendrickse (English stories for ages 6 to 12)
1:00 pm: David Finkle (English, Indigenous stories for ages 6 to 12)

Don't miss the Ottawa Children's Storytelling Festival—a heroic day of stories, crafts, and games for the whole family!

The festival is presented by the Ottawa Public Library and Ottawa StoryTellers.

Earlier Event: October 27
Later Event: November 4
Story Café