Don’t miss Janet’s stories about heroes at 11:00 am
Janet LeRoy
Janet LeRoy’s original stories delight audiences of all ages. Janet enjoys telling stories about animals she sees in the forest and about her childhood pets: dogs, cats, turtle, and budgie. Her repertoire includes folktales, children’s stories, legends, riddles, and personal stories. A dynamic storyteller, Janet has performed in festivals, schools, libraries, day camps, community centres, and other venues. She co-facilitated Children’s Storytelling Workshops for seven years. Janet is a member of Storytellers of Canada and Ottawa StoryTellers. Her story, A Gift, was published in Today’s Parent Magazine. Audiences say her stories are compelling, captivating, heart-warming, fun, and entertaining.
Catch Jacqui’s hero tales at 12:00 pm
Jacqui Du Toit
Jacqui Du Toit is an internationally acclaimed storyteller, multi-award-winning actor, puppeteer, dancer, and playwright. She has performed with Ottawa Little Theatre, Rock the Arts children’s puppet company, the Niyamah Collective, a Company of Fools, Gladstone Theatre, and Ottawa StoryTellers.
Jacqui has a degree in Theatre and Performance from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and is bilingual in English and Afrikaans. She is the Creative Director and Storyteller at 8th Generation Storytelling Performance and co-owner of The Origin Arts Community Centre.
Daniel brings superheroes to life at 12:30 pm
Daniel Hendrickse
Daniel Hendrickse is an elementary school teacher living in Ottawa. He enjoys sharing stories with his students and visiting other classrooms in the city to inspire a love of reading and storytelling. Daniel believes that storytelling can bring lessons to life and help students connect with the world around them.
Listen to David’s stories at 1:00 pm
David Finkle
Being of mixed lineage and hailing from both Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory as well as the surrounding Bay of Quinte area, David is a musician, project facilitator and storyteller. Often seen with his family on the powwow circuit and helping out with other local community events, David and his family are well known traditional craftspeople as well as multi-disciplined performers with a keen interest on sharing both bushcraft and local history.
Mila Bercier
Mila Bercier, une jeune conteuse franco-ontarienne, en est à sa troisième fois au Festival du conte pour enfants. Malgré son jeune âge, elle a déjà beaucoup d’expérience, ayant conté dans plusieurs festivals. Tous ses contes sont des textes originaux de son imagination fertile, présentés par une artiste qui, avec son expérience en impro et en théâtre, vous épateront.
Mila et Claude racontent des histoires de héros à 10h30
Claude Garneau
Cumulant plus de 15 années d’expérience, Claude (Le Pére) Garneau est un conteur, créateur et écrivain talentueux. Il est également à la barre d’une émission de télévision, et certaines de ses histoires ont été publiées. Ses contes, qui sont le fruit de son imagination débordante, allient humour, sagesse, histoire et magie.
Ne manquez pas les histoires de héros de Sylvi à 11h30
Sylvi Belleau
Conteuse, auteure et comédienne, Sylvi Belleau fonde le Théâtre de la Source en 1985, puis Festilou, festival de contes pour la jeunesse, en 2010. Elle dirige la programmation famille au Théâtre de l’Esquisse de 1991 à 2011. Elle s’est produite dans de nombreux festivals au Québec et à l’étranger. Depuis 1995, elle sillonne le Québec avec La Culture à l’école. En 2013, Planète Rebelle publie son livre-CD, Grindel et le bouc de Noël. En 2019, elle reçoit le prix Gardienne du conte de Storytellers-Conteurs du Canada.
Photo: Théâtre de la source